Sunday, May 3, 2009

Meet Leo.

This is the latest result of Riley's Two Year Old Tantrums. Once upon a couple weeks ago, we took a trip all the way to the bad side of town to rescue a German Shephard. The dog was truly beautiful, a young female with a beautiful coat and her poor body was obviously malnourished, we were so excited to welcome this helpless animal into our home and save its life. We waited in the "Hug Room" as they are called, and waited to meet our new dog. Riley was estatic to see a dog, and though the animal was on the bigger size, it's gentle way with Riley really made us happy.

"We'll take her!"

And so we started filling out paperwork, only to be notified right before signing our names that this animal would not be going home with us. It had an age limit, and Riley was too young and too little to live in the same house as this dog.

Devastated, we offered them Riley in trade. Begged, really. Only kidding. But we were truly upset. Having a German Shephard has been a lifelong dream of Andrew's, the really one only. To walk away without our new dog was pretty upsetting, so we decided to try again and went to a different shelter.

While looking at the dogs, Riley shot towards the Kitten Kennels and SQUEALED at the top of her lungs. The squeal quickly became a scream as she realized she was locked out of the kitten room. When the door didn't break open from her pounding, I came over and saw what she was staring at. Kittens. Yuck.

Now, kittens are really cute and all, I'm just not a fan of the hair and the whole litter box deal. But suddenly, Riley became frantic and I had to help her get in with the kittens. Her screaming leads me to doing a lot of things I never thought I would do.

Like buying a kitten.

So I screamed at Andrew, FILL OUT THE DAMN PAPERWORK!

He obliged.

He wasn't supposed to.

We now have a kitten. We aren't supposed to be cat owners. We are dog people. But we now have a kitten. And a litter box.

Riley may be the worst cat owner in the history of the world, but she loves her new kitty, whom I named Leo. After Leo Tolstoy. Yes, I'm a huge Russian Literature nerd and the cat fell asleep to me reading Tolstoy to him, so I only saw it fitting. So this is Leo. Meet Leo. Hopefully he lasts a while, unlike most of Riley's toys.

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